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Los interesados contactar directamente con la entidad Italiana. info@informa-giovani.net
Dos proyectos diferentes y buscan a dos jóvenes españoles.
GIGA – Long-term in youth center Inventare Insieme – , Palermo, Sicily, Italy |
Inventare Insieme manages a youth media center which offers opportunities and support to young people aged 6-30 years old in a peripheral area of Palermo.Volunteers will support the daily activities of the organisation aimed at increasing soft skills in the field of media and creativity of children, teenagers and young people of the youth center. Activities include: support to music laboratories and/or support to media laboratories and production of audio-visual materials to promote the work done by the association. Volunteers will have the great opportunities to take part in all laboratories implemented by educators, local volunteers, trainees about a variety of initiatives, like: radio, music, coding (digital skills), drawing, dancing, theater, filming, creative writing, environmental education, active citizenship and as well volunteers will need to contribute with creating workshops in a topic of their choice. Furthermore, they will support youth center events and activities implemented outside of the center. The project needs two volunteers for 9 months 1 from Portugal and 1 from Spain. Further information is available at the info-pack. You can promote the vacancy using the picture in attachment and the link available at the European Youth Portal https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/28114_en Here you can check the host organisation website https://mediatau.it/ and Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/inventareinsiemecentrotaupalermo |
GIGA – Long-term in youth center San Giovanni Apostolo – Palermo, Sicily, Italy |
The Association «San Giovanni Apostolo» is a local youth center working with kids, young people, young-adults and families in a suburb area in Palermo promoting solidarity, sport, and social inclusion. Volunteer will support educators and workers in the implementation of recreational activities like: – after-school educational activities for kids (support with homework, English or French language workshops through non-formal methodologies) – recreational and creative workshops (guitar lessons, dance lessons, theater, drawing, manipulation of raw materials etc) – support in the implementation of sports activities, such as football (training, accompanying young people to local sports tournaments, support during matches) – preparation of specific events such as Carnival, Christmas or Easter parties – sharing ESC experience in info-day, social media, volunteers blog- developing a personal project The project will host two volunteers for 9 months, 1 from France, 1 from Spain Further information is available at the info-pack. You can promote the vacancy using the picture in attachment and the link available at the European Youth Portal https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/28044_en Here you can check the host organisation Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/associazionesangiovanniapostoloonlus/ |