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Detalle de Noticia

Vacantes voluntariado CES en Hungría

13 · junio · 2019 | Becas, Convocatorias, Noticias

CONTACTO: egyutthato@eurodesk.eu

Dear all,

We are looking for volunteers from EU countries and Erasmus+ programme countries!

We have a youth office in Budapest and an afterschool „Impactpoint” (HatásPont
Tanoda) in Gyöngyös, 80 km from Budapest. The afterschool was founded in 2014
and offers afternoon activities for around 30 students with a disadvantaged
background. This is where this EVS project will take place.

You can find more information in the infopack attached.


Katalin Véges

Együttható Egyesület/Association Coefficient

Emblema ODS
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