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La Comisión Europea busca evaluadores para la convocatoria 2016 de la PPP 5G.

14 · marzo · 2016 | Noticias

Subject: Recruitment of new experts for Horizon 2020 evaluations and reviews (diversity and renewal), in particular in the field of 5G.

The Commission is enforcing more actively a policy that aims at having a higher rate of renewal of experts and a higher percentage of female experts in evaluations and reviews. The new H2020 evaluation rules require a regular renewal of experts every year (at least 25%) and particularly encourages applications from female experts to ensure a better gender balance in the various evaluation panels (at least 40%).

In the context of the evaluations of Horizon 2020 proposal to take place in January 2017, we are looking for new evaluators to evaluate proposals submitted under the ICT-07-2017, ICT-08-2017, and ICT-09-2017 topics.

Please see the Work Programme (https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/wp/2016_2017/main/h2020-wp1617-leit-ict_en.pdf) for a description of the topics:

  • ICT-07-2017 (5G PPP Research and Validation of critical technologies and systems) on page 21
  • ICT-08-2017 (5G PPP Convergent Technologies) on page 27
  • ICT-09-2017 (Networking research beyond 5G) on page 29

The new experts should meet the following requirements:

  • Having good expertise to assess the research and innovation addressed by ICT-07-2017, ICT-08-2017, and ICT-09-2017 topics. (Please note that ICT-07-2017 would also need experts in the '5G vertical' fields' (e.g. automotive, eHealth, video/TV broadcast, and energy management). And experts in &39; are needed for all the 3 topics.
  • Not being involved in the preparation of any proposal that is going to be submitted for ICT-07-2017, ICT-08-2017, and ICT-09-2017.
  • Not having been contracted as an H2020 (Horizon 2020) evaluator in 2015 and 2014, or as an FP7 (Framework Programme 7th) evaluator in 2013.
  • Be availabe from 21/11/2016 to 16/12/2016 to perform remote evaluation of proposals at their home place or office.
  • Be availabe from 16-20/01/2017 and/or 23-27/01/2017 to attend evaluation meetings in Brussels.

Interested experts should immediately register their CV and profile in the European Commission Research&Innovation Participants Portal (https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/experts/index.html)

Deadline: 18 March 2016.  

Emblema ODS
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