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20th Edition of happening: international archaeology camp. September to October 2018 in Sicily, Italy

11 · septiembre · 2018 | Noticias

We are Kalat, a non-profit archaeological and cultural project in Sicily organizing archaeological workcamps (www.kalat.org/happening/) from end September 2018. We think members of Diputación de Córdoba may be interested and hope you can pass the following information about the camps to them.


Help preserve the local history and cultural heritage in Campobello di Licata in Sicily, Italy. You will work with our archaeologists to survey, map, and date ceramic and lytic findings among 184 prehistoric, archaic, classical, Hellenistic, Roman-imperial, Byzantine and Arab archaeological sites as well as develop recovery interventions at the bronze and Byzantine necropolis at Iachino Filippo Park.


Weekend sessions from Friday to Sunday from September 2018 (€60)

Weekly sessions from Friday to Wednesday from September 2018 (€100)


For more info and registration details, please visit www.kalat.org/happening or email us at info@kalat.org.




We have over 20 years of experience organizing archaeological initiatives for over 1000 Italian and foreign volunteers. This year is especially interesting because participants will:

  • Be immersed in the first territory in Sicily that has been fully mapped with 184 archaeological sites (www.kalat.org/archeologia/)

  • Understand the degree of conservation of the archaeological heritage of an entire municipality and have a better definition of the vocation and the dating of the sites.

  • Stay at KISS, our newly renovated headquarters (www.kalat.org/kiss) which is a permanent site of archaeological research and teaching. The center was vandalized but has been transformed with modern facilities, including: dormitories, a game library with over 100 board and card games, an education center for soft skills, as well as a kitchen and bar.




Join the KALAT project in Sicily, Italy for weekly and weekend archaeological workcamps from end September 2018 www.kalat.org/happening




We also have a poster and an infosheet that you can print and put on notice boards, as well as pictures and banners for social media posts: www.kalat.org/happening/media  Please feel free to download and use them.   

Emblema ODS
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