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Mes: septiembre 2018

Let’s talk – using dialogue to build community

Let’s talk – using dialogue to build community

Let's talk – using dialogue to build community Seminar 21-27 October 2018 | Maastricht, Germany Dialogue can bring people together, and facilitate empathy, understanding and personal growth. The Maastricht Dialogue Foundation has developed innovative formats...
EFFORT Recipe Book

EFFORT Recipe Book

The booklet is the result of our EFFORT project. There is information about our project and Recipes from different countries. It gives intercultural recipes! Aims of the tool The aim is to promote intercultural recipes. Description of the tool The booklet is the...
Estado de la Unión Europea 2018

Estado de la Unión Europea 2018

Estado de la Unión Europea 2018   El presidente de la Comisión Europea, Jean-Claude Juncker, en su discurso sobre el estado de la Unión 2018, SOTEU por sus siglas en inglés, ante los miembros del Parlamento Europeo en Estrasburgo....