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Mes: junio 2016

Programa “Erasmus for Officials”.

Programa “Erasmus for Officials”.

Programa Erasmus for Officials” para estancias entre el 15 y 25 de noviembre de 2016. Las solicitudes se deben enviar por correo electrónico a: tramitacionend@ue.maec.es, adjuntando:...
Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition.

Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition.

The Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition has been launched! Young people worldwide are invited to submit their innovative ideas and projects with a societal impact, which champion and implement one or more of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals....
Prácticas en European Court of Auditors.

Prácticas en European Court of Auditors.

The European Court of Auditors organises three traineeship sessions per year in areas of interest to its work. Traineeships are granted for 3, 4 or 5 months maximum. They may be remunerated (1120 €/month) or non-remunerated depending on the...
Programa de Prácticas en UNAOC.

Programa de Prácticas en UNAOC.

The call for UNAOC Fellowship Programme 2016 has been launched! The main objective of the Fellowship Programme is to challenge cultural stereotypes and develop cross-cultural partnerships between peoples from different faiths and cultures. In 2016, the...